Municipalities / NGOs

Contribute to 
a cleaner world with TrashOut

Register your organization and show that you care!

Great for city halls and municipalities, ministries or NGOs that want systematic change

Get rid of illegal dumps and recycle more

Use web application Support this project

TrashOut is a platform that allows citizens to report illegal dumpsites in their neighborhood. We have developed mobile and web application that is simple to use and makes lives easier both for citizens and for the municipalities or local environmental NGOs that will organize cleanups. Apart from that it allows them to find the nearest trash bin or recycling center, read eco news or follow their favorite organizations. 

Value for your organization

Understand the size of the problem

Thanks to having the exact data, organizations are able to understand the size of the issue clearly and communicate it in a more credible way. 

Inform & engage citizens

Users can see your cleaning activity.
This way users see that your organization cares and acts. 

Organise cleanups efficiently

Data and pictures help you to understand how many people are needed for the cleanup, where is the best meeting point or what equipment you need. 

Manage reports in your area easily

It is hard to keep logs and statistics on paper. Thanks to TrashOut all your activities will be at one place and can be managed by multiple people. 

How does it work in 5 steps

1. Register your organization and add your colleagues as managers

First register your personal account. Then create an organization and fill in all the details like description, logo and contacts.  Add your colleagues as managers, so they can report and comment on behalf of your organization. This is great for municipalities, local NGOs or ministries.

On the profile of your organization everybody can see statistics of dumps reported by managers and members.

2. Setup email notifications about specific area or log in regularly

TrashOut automatically sends email notifications to those authorities, NGOs and individuals that voluntarily subscribed to notifications about certain area on TrashOut platform. You can choose to be informed daily, weekly or monthly so we do not spam you with every report made.

If you do not wish to receive notifications, we recommend logging in regularly to monitor your area.

3. Promote waste mapping to the citizens in your area

Reporting is very simple. User takes a picture of the trash pile. Then chooses from 3 sizes - a bag, a wheelbarrow or a car. Icons help user to decide easily what is the content of this dump and there are also additional information about accessibility. This way you allow citizens to engage and be active.

4. Update or comment on the reports located in your area

You received an email notification or spotted a new report - now it is time to act! If you cleaned the dumpsite, update its status to cleaned under the name of your organization. You can also comment in case you want to inform the users about your process.

5. Users are notified every time you make an update

Users who previously reported, updated or commented on the report get notified via emails and push-notifications. This way they are informed about your efforts"

Frequent questions and answers

  • Should I create a personal account first?

    Yes. First, you create your personal account and then you register your organization. This allows you to choose whether you report/update/comment as you or your organization. Also, this way one organization can have multiple managers. 

  • What do different colors of the map mean?

    Red - means reported dumpsite, still there

    Red with a question mark - this dumpsite was last updated more than 3 months ago, so it might not be there anymore

    Green - already cleaned report

  • Why is the app not available in my language?

    Trashout mobile app is available in English, Slovak, Czech, Russian, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Hungarian, Romanian, Portuguese. App will be the same language as you use for your phone settings. Adding additional languages requires certain time and financial resources for implementation. Typically new language is translated by volunteers, if you wish to help get in touch. If you wish to know conditions and process of adding new language please contact us at: [email protected]

  • Where do I find statistics of my organization?

    You can access your statistics from the detail of your organization. When you click the number you will see the list of reported dumpsites:

  • How can I add recycling bins or centers in my country?

    Just login to our web platform

    and feel free to add bins or centers. We plan to add this feature to the phone as well, once we manage to get funding for it. 

  • How can I set email notifications and what is in them?

    Log in here:  with the same info as you used on your mobile. You can set email notification both for your personal account or as an organization. From the profile section click button 'Set notification about area' from the top panel. Now select what area you wish to monitor and how often (monthly, weekly, daily) you wish to get an email. Email is very informative divided into 3 sections:

    Reported dumps

    Updated dumps

    Cleaned dumps

  • We already had an account as organization, should I do something?

    Yes. Previously we had only one type of account that was used both for personal use and as an organization. This meant that if you wanted multiple people to report on behalf of the organization you had to share login details. Also, it prevented people from reporting themselves as they had to log out and log in again to a different account. If this was your case, just go to and create your organization. We do not need to migrate anything. Your previous account will be acting as a manager for your organization, but now you can add your personal account or your colleagues as managers too. 

  • I like this project, how can I support it?

    We are always in need of developer hours or design hours. We are open-source project. 

    Same goes for financial resources for our marketing and project maintenance. Get in touch at [email protected]

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